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Breast cancer recurrences: development of a recurrence detection algorithm and novel prognostic biomarkers in breast cancers KU Leuven
Even though cancer recurrence is considered to be an important cancer outcome metric, recurrence rates for breast cancer currently remain unknown at the Belgian population level. Furthermore, good biomarkers to predict such responses remain scarce. Both considerations resulted in the conception of the current study, aiming to further elaborate epidemiologic aspects and translational biomarkers of recurence in breast cancer. The general ...
DHEAS and cortisol/DHEAS-ratio in recurrent depression : state, or trait predicting 10-year recurrence? Universiteit Gent
Medullary thyroid cancer: prognostic factors for survival and recurrence, recommendations for the extent of lymph node dissection and for surgical therapy in recurrent disease KU Leuven
We reviewed our experience with MTC (medullary thyroid cancer), focusing on recurrence and survival, recommendations for the extent of lymph node (LN) dissection and surgery for recurrent disease.
Lower cortisol levels predict recurrence in remitted patients with recurrent depression : a 5.5 year prospective study Universiteit Gent
Development of the PERI-Gastric (PEritoneal Recurrence Index) and PERI-Gram (Peritoneal Recurrence Index NomoGRAM) for predicting the risk of metachronous peritoneal carcinomatosis after gastrectomy with curative intent for gastric cancer KU Leuven
BACKGROUND: A model that quantifies the risk of peritoneal recurrence would be a useful tool for improving decision-making in patients undergoing curative-aim gastrectomy for gastric cancer (GC). METHODS: Five Italian centers participated in this study. Two risk scores were created according to the two most widely used pathologic classifications of GC (the Lauren classification and the presence of signet-ring-cell features). The risk scores (the ...
Long-term risk of delayed postoperative Crohn's disease recurrence in patients with no or mild endoscopic recurrence at first assessment KU Leuven
BACKGROUND: Early endoscopic evaluation is recommended for assessment of postoperative recurrence (POR) of Crohn's disease (CD) but no further monitoring recommendations are available. AIM: To evaluate the long-term outcome of patients without endoscopic POR at first endoscopic assessment. METHODS: Retrospective four-centre study including consecutive CD patients with ileocolonic resection (ICR) without endoscopic POR (Rutgeerts score i0-i1) at ...
High parasympathetic activity as reflected by deceleration capacity predicts atrial fibrillation recurrence after repeated catheter ablation procedure Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Purpose: High parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activity is accurately reflected by deceleration capacity (DC) and is involved in atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence after catheter ablation procedure. When compared with initial catheter ablation procedure, repeated procedures for AF recurrence are followed by a lower success rates, estimated at 50%. Our objective was to evaluate the impact of PNS activity assessed by DC measured before ...