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Antonio Cutolo
- Disciplines:Structurele en mechanische eigenschappen, Productieprocessen, -methoden en -technologieën
- Maakprocessen en -Systemen (MaPS) (Afdeling)
Vanaf1 aug 2020 → Heden - Afdeling Productietechnieken, Machinebouw en Automatisering (Afdeling)
Vanaf15 okt 2016 → 4 aug 2020
1 - 1 of 1
- Spanning gebaseerd vermoeiingsgedrag van metalen geproduceerd door Laser Poederbed Fusie: een onderzoek naar volledig solide componenten en poreuze roosterstructurenVanaf27 okt 2016 → 21 mrt 2022Financiering: Eigen Middelen zoals patrimonium, inschrijvingsgelden, giften, ....
1 - 10 van 17
- Fatigue life prediction of a L-PBF component in Ti-6Al-4V using sample data, FE-based simulations and machine learning(2023)
Auteurs: Antonio Cutolo, Brecht Van Hooreweder
- Improving fatigue performance of metal parts with up-facing inclined surfaces produced by laser powder bed fusion and in-situ laser remelting(2022)
Auteurs: Daniel Ordnung, Jitka Metelkova, Antonio Cutolo, Brecht Van Hooreweder
- A new strategy for metal additive manufacturing using an economical water-atomized iron powder for laser powder bed fusion(2022)
Auteurs: Kopila Gurung, Sebastian Meyers, Antonio Cutolo, Brecht Van Hooreweder
- On the role of building orientation and surface post-processes on the fatigue life of Ti-6Al-4V coupons manufactured by laser powder bed fusion(2022)
Auteurs: Antonio Cutolo, Brecht Van Hooreweder
- Stress-based Fatigue Behaviour of Metals Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion: A study on Fully Dense Components and Porous Lattice Structures(2022)
Auteurs: Antonio Cutolo, Brecht Van Hooreweder, Wim Desmet
- On the Effect of the Stress Ratio on Fatigue Properties of Ti-6Al4V Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion(2022)
Auteurs: Antonio Cutolo, Brecht Van Hooreweder
- Predicting fatigue life of metal LPBF components by combining a large fatigue database for different sample conditions with novel simulation strategies(2022)
Auteurs: Antonio Cutolo, Simone Gallas, Wim Desmet, Brecht Van Hooreweder
- Influence of relative density on quasi-static and fatigue failure of lattice structures in Ti6Al4V produced by laser powder bed fusion(2021)
Auteurs: Antonio Cutolo, Brecht Van Hooreweder
- Understanding elastic anisotropy in diamond based lattice structures produced by laser powder bed fusion: Effect of manufacturing deviations(2020)
Auteurs: Antonio Cutolo, Gabriel Probst, Brecht Van Hooreweder
- Post-treatment selection for tailored fatigue performance of 18Ni300 maraging steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion(2020)
Auteurs: Chola Elangeswaran, Kopila Gurung, Antonio Cutolo, Brecht Van Hooreweder
Pagina's: 2359 - 2375