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Comparative Perinatal Development (CoPeD) University of Antwerp

Research on non-rodent animal species i.c. the pig, can significantly contribute to the unraveling of the etiopathogenesis of certain human pathological conditions. In addition, research results will provide an insight into the equivalent veterinary disorders. Approximately 16% of the newborn piglets and ± 5% of the children suffer from intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR). In both species, IUGR is associated with an increased perinatal ...

Molecular, Cellular and Network Excitability (MCNE) University of Antwerp

MCNE is established from strategic convergence of the interests of world-class researchers, active in the domains of electrophysiology, neurobiology, biophysics, and cellular excitability. It addresses fundamental and applied research questions in Neurobiology and Cellular Excitability, with a unique point of advantage: the experimental approaches and the theoretical descriptions span across multiple levels of organisation of excitable ...