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Economics and Public Policy Hasselt University


The Policy Management group carries out economic research on public policy. The group focuses on the efficiency and effectiveness of government interventions by carrying out cost-effectiveness analyses and cost-benefit analyses. Furthermore, research is performed on the impact of the regulatory quality (ease of requesting permits, administrative burdens,...) on the ease of doing business in Europe.

Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy KU Leuven


The Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy consists of the following research groups:

  • Patient Safety and Quality
  • Financing and Organisation Health Care Management
  • Communication in Health Care Management
  • Ethics of Health Care Management
  • Health Law

Organisation, policy and social inequalities in health care Vrije Universiteit Brussel


to do multidisiciplinary fundamental and applied (evaluation) research in following domains international comparative health systems research comparative health services research (organisational models and interorganisational networking) the use of technologies in health care socio-economic inequalities in health patient participation knowlegde transfer methodologies between reserach and policymakers focus on innovations in health systems and ...

Social Epidemiology & Health Policy (SEHPO) University of Antwerp

Regarding Social Epidemiology, an important line of research within our Research Group is the licit and illicit substance use in students. Our group has (1) a large European project on substance use and social norms, (2) collaborations with colleagues from two South-African Universities (University of Limpopo and University of Kwazulu Natal) to replicate the studies on substance use in Flemish students by using similar questionnaires and (3) two ...

Sustainable chemicals production research cluster: Separation Technology & Economics and Policy making Vrije Universiteit Brussel


De multidisciplinaire en interfacultaire STEP onderzoeksgroep van de VUB draagt bij aan het versnellen van de innovatiecyclus van duurzame processen voor de chemische industrie, een grote uitdaging die tegen 2050 moet worden bereikt, zo niet eerder in lijn met de Europese Green Deal 2030. Dat doen we door niet alleen de technologische uitdagingen grondig te bekijken, maar ook het economische en wetgevende kader, zodat er haalbare oplossingen ...

Politics & Public Governance University of Antwerp

The first research axis is labelled 'Diversity and equality in politics & public governance'. It studies how different needs and interests are mobilised, recognized and represented in political and administrative decision-making, how groups organize to compete for influence, and how politics and governance (re-)produce equality and inequality. Focus is on how societal, political and administrative institutions and practices bring about ...