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Imaging & Pathology, Kulak Kortrijk Campus KU Leuven


Our research is aimed at better understanding of the VWF/ADAMTS13/platelet axis in hemostatic, thrombotic and inflammatory processes. We use various in vivo models, combined with intravital microscopy to study molecular and cellular interactions. In particular, we focus on designing novel therapeutic strategies that interfere with von Willebrand factor function for treatment of thrombo-inflammatory disease.

Language and literature Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Studying languages is an exciting choice, particularly in a city such as Brussels where probably more languages are spoken than anywhere else in Europe. Competence in languages is not just a luxury. It is a necessity in a society where international relationships are part of every day life. Language students access other cultures and thus broaden their horizons. They have the opportunity to see how people communicate and how the human mind ...

Rits Vrije Universiteit Brussel

audiovisual arts and performance arts, artistic research