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Digital Solutions Leu UCLL

CENTRE OF EXPERTISE DIGITAL SOLUTIONS FOCUSES THE KNOW-HOW ON IT & TECHNOLOGY WITH THE PURPOSE OF INNOVATION-DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT IN, FOR INSTANCE, THE CARE SECTOR, WHICH IS AN IMPORTANT TARGET GROUP FOR THIS CENTRE OF EXPERTISE. Digital Solutions considers it its mission to Assimilate emerging social and technological evolutions in computing and digitisation and to visualise socially relevant application domains with a view to employability. ...

Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) KU Leuven

The primary missions of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) are education and research.

A FEB education aims to prepare students for successful entrepreneurial endeavours and careers in the corporate world, in national and international public policy-making, or in research. To achieve this the FEB offers high-quality, research-based degree programmes in the fields of both economics and business, and from Bachelor to ...