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Department of Morphology, Imaging, Orthopedics, Rehabilitation and Nutrition Ghent University

The specialization of Medical Imaging is available for diagnostic imaging in both companion animals and large pets in all its facets. Not only the classical techniques such as radiography (RX) and ultrasound, but also modern imaging, such as Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), are part of the existing and controlled techniques. For specific cases there is also a Department of Nuclear Medicine (Scintigraphy or Botscan).

Functional animal nutrition Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

There are three main research objectives. In the first place, research in nutrition physiology should fine-tune the supply of nutrients with the requirements of the animal. In close relation with the latter, efforts are done to reduce the excretion of minerals into the environment. Functional animal nutrition sensu stricto aims to improve not only animal health but also to increase the health value of animal products for the consumer.

Leuven Food Science and Nutrition Research Centre KU Leuven


The research activities of the Leuven Food Science and Nutrition Research Centre (LFoRCe) do not only cover the chain from raw materials to food and food storage, but go further by also focusing on health and social aspects of food. Within LFoRCe, expertise is available on different food (e.g. cereal-based food, fruits and vegetables, oils and lipids, meat) and beverage (e.g. juices and beer) systems. The research can be ...

Movement and Nutrition for Health and Performance Vrije Universiteit Brussel


The merged research group MOVE (= former BEGE+BEPR+MODI groups) was founded in 2020, with Prof. Dr. Eva D’Hondt as current chair, and is part of the Department of Movement and Sport Sciences (BESW) of the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy (LK). The ‘Movement and Nutrition for Health and Performance’ research group unites the enthusiasm and expertise of young and more experienced researchers, focusing on 3 prominent lines of ...

Movement, Nutrition and Health Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The research group BEGE fits into the restructuring of the research and research groups within the Faculty of LK. Within the BEGE research group, the expertise in the former departments BETR (BEWE) and BIOM (FIGE, CHINA, ABIS) is combined. Within the research group different behavioral or non-behavioral factors of health are examined: movement, physical activity, fitness, nutrition. Unique niches include physical activity promotion, ...

Movement, Nutrition and Prestation Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The BEPR research group fits into the restructuring of the research and research groups within the Faculty of LK. Within the BEPR research group, the expertise in the former groups BETR (with the research group BEWE) and BIOM (with the BIME, FIGE and CHINA research groups) are combined. Within the research group, the performance aspect will be centralized which is where this research group distuinguishes itself from BEGE, where the aspect of ...