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Informatics and Telecommunication Vrije Universiteit Brussel

As a result of the different backgrounds of the members of the team, significant know-how is available in the fields of computer networks, artificial intelligence, parallel and distributed systems, management information systems and databases. 1. The digital TELEcommunications research group has been and is still involved in several R&D contracts with telecommunications equipment manufacturers. Most of them are centred on the introduction ...

Department of Architecture KU Leuven

The Department of Architecture consists of 3 sections: Architecture and Society; Architecture and Design; Architectural Engineering.

DESIGN TEAM FOR URBAN PROJECTS (M. Smets) Reappropriation of urban voids (industrial fringes, abandoned areas, outworn infrastructures): urban design, mobility studies and project management. Case-studies for Leuven (B) (Railway area - surroundings inner dock- academic hospital, site); Rouen (F) (former ...

Filip Lemic Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre University of Antwerp