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Laboratory for Genetics of Malignant Disorders KU Leuven

The discovery and functional characterization of new, recurrent cytogenetic or molecular aberrations in malignant disorders are the most important research objectives of the laboratory for Genetics of Malignant Disorders. These research objectives connect almost seamlessly with the diagnostic, cytogenetic and molecular services which CME-UZ offers for nearly each malignant pathology: acute and chronic leukaemia, lymphomas, mesenchymal and ...

Laboratory of Dermatology KU Leuven


The research of the Laboratory of Dermatology is situated in the domain of cutaneous oncology (melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer) and encompasses an epidemiological and a clinical-fundamental aspect. The latter aspect focuses on research in photoprotection and non-melanoma skin cancer (cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma).
Research topics include:

  • Photoprotective and therapeutic effects of flavonoids on ...

Cell Genetics Vrije Universiteit Brussel


The laboratory for Cell Genetics (Cytogenetics) studies variation in genotype and phenotype, cell division pathways, cell death and genetic changes relevant for the increase of cancer in human. Genotoxicity tests assess the induction of DNA damage, gene mutations, structural and numerical chromosome aberrations. Their predictivity for cancer induction is supported by international studies relating mutations and activation of cancer related ...