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Laboratory of Dermatoimmunology KU Leuven

Research topics are skin manifestations in systemic disease, mucosal disease, identification of contact allergens in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and household and industrial products, cutaneous side effects of targeted therapies, psoriasis, photo testing and action spectrum determination in photosensitive patients, identification of trigger factors in atopic dermatitis, genodermatoses and multidisciplinary management of epidermolysis ...

Immunobiology (Rega Institute) KU Leuven


This unit operates in close association with the Division of Molecular Immunology (J. Van Damme). Together these teams investigate the immunobiology of inflammation, auto-immunity and cancer, with emphasis on the role of cytokines (interferons, interleukins, cytotoxins and chemokines) and cellular proteases (plasminogen activators, collagenases, etc.) Projects and milestones in this framework comprise: - Identification in molecular and ...