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Allergy and Clinical Immunology Research Group KU Leuven

1. Allergy

Clinical research, cohort based, on drug hypersensitivity

Food allergy: clinical driven research into hidden allergens, co-factor enhanced food allergy, rare allergens (allergy to carmine, eatable insect allergens, WDEIA quality of life study etc…)

Mastocytosis and hymenoptera venom allergy and treatment: clinical prospective follow-up over 30 years of a large database of patients with hymentoptera venom ...

Inborn Errors of Immunity KU Leuven


Laboratory of Pediatric Immunology has two main research activities: 1) study of allergic diseases with on the one hand upper and lower airway inflammation (in close collaboration with labs of clinical immunology and pneumology) for which we study in house running murine models of allergic asthma and develop of new mouse models for non-allergic asthma, as well as translational research in patients with upper and/or lower airway inflammation ...