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Final development and implementation of measuring instrument Regional Environmental Quality (miROK)

Book - Report

Environmental quality is the appreciation that people in a specific area attach to the space at a certain time. Environmental quality is formed by a combination of each of the three following building blocks 'utility value, experiential value and future value'. The spatial impact of these values gives an area a certain environmental quality.
These values are culturally and personally related, with views of what is of high quality changing over time. Moreover, an area can be valued from different levels of scale, where each level of scale has its own interpretation of quality. In other words, environmental quality is not an unambiguous fact. It was not the objective of this study assignment to develop the measuring instrument of environmental quality that provides useful information for everyone and at all levels of scale.
...is the result. This is impossible as everyone will have a different opinion about what is important for high environmental quality and therefore what relevant indicators of environmental quality can be.
With this report, at the beginning of 2018, the newly developed Measuring instrument Regional Environmental Quality (miROK) will be presented and applied for an initial measurement of the environmental quality. The instrument was developed within the open source GIS environment QGIS and is available to GIS users for analysis at regional level.
Number of pages: 101
Publication year:2018