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Diurnal frugivores on the Bromeliaceae Aechmea depressa LB Sm. from Northeastern Brazil: the prominent role taken by a small forest primate

Journal Contribution - Journal Article

Little is lcnown about frugivory of epiphytes. We investigated diurnal frugivores consuming Aechmea depressa, an endemic species from Southern Bahia, Brazil, through 67 hours of observation on three fruiting individuals. Infructescences were visited for 2% of the time and only by golden-headed lion tamarins (GHLTs; Leontopithecus chrysomelas). Aechmea depressa invests on physical defense to retain fruits for prolonged periods, however, GIALTs used their small size and dexterity to remove rigid bracts and extract fruits from the infructescence. Prior studies indicate GHLTs disperseAechmea seeds. Given the low visitation rates and probability that few frugivores successfully manipulate A. depressa fruits, we suggest that GHLTs are extremely important to maintaining the populations of this bromeliad species.
Journal: Biota Neotropica
ISSN: 1676-0603
Issue: 4, SI
Volume: 10
Pages: 351-354
Publication year:2010
Keywords:Atlantic Rainforest, epiphyte, golden-headed-lion tamarin, Leontopithecus chlysomelas
  • Scopus Id: 79952350118