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Linkages between Trade, Agriculture and Climate Change across Spatial and Temporal Scales

The general research objective of this project is to contribute to an improved modelling of linkages between biophysical impacts (climate change, soil, water, biodiversity) and agricultural production, consumption and trade in terms of the spatial and temporal dimensions. Two specific topics are addressed in this project: (1) climate variability and agricultural trade responses; and (2) regional trade, path dependency and the spatial allocation of cropland expansion. The research project focuses for its empirical analysis on Africa. In the last phase of the project, an integrated scenario exercise will be done, of which the results may have global implications regarding the role of trade in climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Date:1 Oct 2022 →  30 Sep 2023
Keywords:climate change, agricultural trade, land use change, Africa
Disciplines:Agricultural spatial analysis and modelling, Economic geography, Agricultural and natural resource economics, environmental and ecological economics, Climate change