Fighting for Love Mixed/Christian-Muslim Families’ Associations in Belgium, France and Italy
Mixed families are a growing global phenomenon which exemplifies the increase in migration flows and provides us with an opportunity to analyze the everyday processes related to Europe’s pluralism. Couples defined as Christian-Muslim represent an emblematic casestudy within the phenomenon of mixed marriage because they incorporate ethnic and religious differences represented as “strong” and “conflicting” in the academic and public debate. Research has mainly focused on the family dimension, to see how partners cope with their different backgrounds, but we still have little knowledge about their social impact. Associations of mixed families are important social actors in the public sphere which activate processes of social change. This aspect represents a major gap in the existing literature. Building on previous research findings about ChristianMuslim couples’ life stories, this project offers an empirical exploration of an issue mostly hidden in research on mixed marriages, namely the role of these families as agents of social change. Through a qualitative study focused on associations of mixed families active in Belgium, France and Italy, the project seeks to understand how they are trying to remove obstacles encountered by these families, putting pressure on religious institutions, policy makers and public opinion. The project proposes an empirical exploration at the interplay of family, migration and religion to the yet unexplored social role of mixed families