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Algebra KU Leuven



1) Study of the number of solutions of polynomial equations in several variables over finite fields and residue class rings, with emphasis on the relation to geometric and topological invariants of the equations, Igusa's local zeta function, p-adic exponential sums.

2) Connections between (1) and the theory of singularities, resolution of singularities, Log Minimal Model Program, topological ...

Department of Mathematics: Analysis, Logic and Discrete Mathematics Ghent University

Within the analysis track we work on harmonic analysis, functional analysis, partial differential equations, operator theory, asymptotic analysis and non-standard analysis. The research in functional analysis focuses on the study of function spaces, functional inequalities and generalized functions. Generalized functions are examined both in a linear and in a non-linear context, often using Fourier analysis, shear theory, complex analysis and ...

Analysis KU Leuven


The research in this section is divided into two research groups. The group of classical analysis is mainly interested in orthogonal polynomials, special functions, approximation theory, Riemann-Hilbert problems and random matrices, whereas the functional analysis group focusses its attention on C*-algebras, von Neumann algebras, topological dynamics, geometric and measurable group theory and subfactors . There are however important synergies ...