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Toxicology, Dermato-cosmetology and Pharmacognosy Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Topic A: Experimental in vitro toxicology: The use of isolated hepatocytes and their cultures for pharmaco- toxicological studies with focus on phase I and phase II biotransformation of xenobiotics; liver zonation of xenobiotic transformation; cell cycle and molecules affecting cell progression and cell signaling; the role of apoptosis in cell cultures; connexins and their importance in cell signaling. Topic B: Dermato-Cosmetic Sciences: ...

Beyaert Lab Flanders Institute for Biotechnology

Research on role of key signaling molecules in the fine-tuning and self-limiting nature of major signaling pathways that control gene expression in response to inflammatory triggers, further insights of which raises the prospect for better understanding and rational design of therapeutics for several diseases, including autoimmunity, allergy and cancer.