Europese robotachtige voetganger Assistent 2.0. KU Leuven
There has been a tremendous progress in the development of autonomous robots that offer different services to their users. Typical services include the support of elderly people, cleaning, delivery tasks, autonomous driving, or surveillance. Most of the systems developed so far, however, are restricted to indoor scenarios, to non-urban outdoor environments, or to autonomous driving on roads. Furthermore, substantial efforts are required to ...
VIACTORS: Variable Impedance Actuation Systems Embodying Advanced Interaction Behaviours. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
SAFETEE - Een platform voor veilige autonome systemenSAFETEE - Een platform voor veilige autonome systemen KU Leuven
Europees trainings- en onderzoeksnetwerk over autonome binnenvaartschepen voor slimme binnenvaart KU Leuven
According to the European Commission, passenger transport is projected to increase 42% by 2050, and freight transport up to 60%. Needless to say, this puts an enormous burden on transport networks and our environment. Compared to other modes of transport – which often face congestion and capacity problems – inland waterway transport is characterised by reliability, energy efficiency and a capacity for increased use. More than 37,000 km of ...
Zachte, zelf reagerende slimme materialen voor robots. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Een modulair, consistent, discriminerend raamwerk voor gestructureerd leren in computervisie. KU Leuven
State-of-the-art computerzichtsystemen zijn fundamenteel afhankelijk van statistisch leren om de prestaties te optimaliseren op een specifieke toepassing. Momenteel zijn statistische kaders in computervisie meestal gebaseerd op classificatie en regressie, probabilistische grafische modellen of discriminerende gestructureerde voorspellingskaders zoals de Gestructureerde Output Support Vector Machine (SOSVM). Hoewel sommige van de best ...
Context-adaptieve sensor fusion Universiteit Gent
Machine perception for autonomous driving integrates multiple sensors to overcome sensing limitations: cameras for full scene coverage; radar and LiDaR for distance sensing and coping with adverse weather or poor visibility; radar and future LiDaR to measure longitudinal motion; ther-mal cameras for night vision and object distinction. Similar multi-sensor perception systems are integrated into drones, ships, and autonomous guided vehicles in ...