Pre-exposure intradermal rabies vaccination: a non-inferiority trial in healthy adults on shortening the vaccination schedule from 28 to 7 days Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde Universiteit Antwerpen
Background: The existing 4-week preexposure rabies vaccination schedule is costly and often not practicable. Shorter effective schedules would result in wider acceptance.
Methods: We conducted a noninferiority trial in 500 healthy adults comparing the safety and immunogenicity of a 2-visit (days 0 and 7) intradermal (ID) primary vaccination (2 doses of 0.1 mL ID of the human diploid cell culture rabies vaccine [HDCV] at days 0 and 7) ...
Vaccinations in patients receiving systemic drugs for skin disorders : what can we learn for SARS-Cov-2 vaccination strategies? Universiteit Gent
The life-course approach to vaccination: Harnessing the benefits of vaccination throughout life Universiteit Antwerpen
Hepatitis B virus vaccination and revaccination response in children diagnosed with coeliac disease : a multicentre prospective study Universiteit Gent
Impact of vaccination during pregnancy on infants? Immune responses to vaccinations- definitions and statistical approaches Universiteit Antwerpen
Protecting the vaccinating population in the face of a measles epidemic: assessing the impact of adjusted vaccination schedules Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
We investigated which vaccination schedule gives best protection to the vaccinating population, in case there is a measles epidemic in an area with low vaccine coverage. We considered combinations of an early measles vaccination (none, at 6 months or at 9 months), a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination around the first birthday (at either 11 or 14 months), and MMR vaccination at an older age (at either 4 or 9 years). The different ...