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Nutritional challenges and agricultural strategies in national nutrition policies of Central and Eastern European countries Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
Beyond methodological nationalism in explanations of gender equality: The impact of EU policies on gender provisions in national collective agreements in Belgium (1957–2020) Universiteit Hasselt KU Leuven
Based on an analysis of gender equality provisions in national collective agreements, this article investigates the influence of European Union (EU) gender and macro-economic policy on gender equality outcomes in Belgium since the signature of the Treaty of Rome in 1957. We show that, over time, EU gender equality policies have led to the adoption of provisions promoting formal gender equality and the integration of women in the labour market. ...
Universal access to essential medicines as part of the right to health : a cross-national comparison of national laws, medicines policies, and health system indicators Universiteit Gent
Background: Access to essential medicines for the world's poor and vulnerable has made little progress since 2000, except for a few specific medicines such as antiretrovirals for HIV/AIDS. Human rights principles written into national law can create a supportive environment for universal access to medicines; however, systematic research and policy guidance on this topic is lacking. Objective: To examine how international human rights law and ...
Transition management and the need for mature connections with national and EU innovation policies Universiteit Gent
Two worlds apart: the divergence of national and local immigrant integration policies in the Netherlands Universiteit Antwerpen
National Paralympic sport policies influencing a country’s Paralympic success Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The Paralympics Games are increasing in competitiveness as more countries seek top medal outcomes. In response, governments are focusing on the development and implementation of effective national sport policies/systems to optimise Paralympic success. However, little is known about national sport policy influencing a country’s Paralympic success. Indeed, the literature on national elite sport policy has focused on Olympic sport and emerging ...
Developing a theoretical model to compare national para-sport policies – para-SPLISS. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
RESEARCH BACKGROUND/AIMS The growth and profile of the Paralympic Games over the past 20 years has been phenomenal. This has been accompanied by a growing number of countries entering the ‘global sporting arms race’ for international Paralympic success, which is driving an increased desire to strategically invest in systems policy for optimising Paralympic athletes’ development and success. However, many athletes continue to face various ...
The right to health as the basis for universal health coverage : a cross-national analysis of national medicines policies of 71 countries Universiteit Gent
Persistent barriers to universal access to medicines are limited social protection in the event of illness, inadequate financing for essential medicines, frequent stock-outs in the public sector, and high prices in the private sector. We argue that greater coherence between human rights law, national medicines policies, and universal health coverage schemes can address these barriers. We present a cross-national content analysis of national ...