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Ritonavir/saquinavir plus one nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) versus indinavir plus two NRTIs in protease inhibitor-naive HIV-1-infected adults (IRIS study) Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
Gastrointestinal dissolution, supersaturation and precipitation of the BCS Class II weak base indinavir in healthy volunteers KU Leuven
This study investigated the impact of relevant gastrointestinal conditions on the intraluminal dissolution, supersaturation and precipitation behavior of the weakly basic drug indinavir. The influence of (i) concomitant PPI intake and (ii) the nutritional state on the gastrointestinal behavior of indinavir was assessed in order to identify the underlying mechanisms responsible for previously reported interactions. Five healthy volunteers were ...
HIV-1 fitness landscape models for indinavir treatment pressure using observed evolution in longitudinal sequence data are predictive for treatment failure Vrije Universiteit Brussel KU Leuven
We previously modeled the in vivo evolution of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) under drug selective pressure from cross-sectional viral sequences. These fitness landscapes (FLs) were made by using first a Bayesian network (BN) to map epistatic substitutions, followed by scaling the fitness landscape based on an HIV evolution simulator trying to evolve the sequences from treatment naïve patients into sequences from patients failing ...
Exploring food effects on indinavir absorption with human intestinal fluids in the mouse intestine KU Leuven
Food can have a significant impact on the pharmacokinetics of orally administered drugs, as it may affect drug solubility as well as permeability. Since fed state conditions cannot easily be implemented in the presently available permeability tools, including the frequently used Caco-2 system, exploring food effects during drug development can be quite challenging. In this study, we investigated the effect of fasted and fed state conditions on ...
Collaborative update of a rule-based expert system for HIV-1 genotypic resistance test interpretation KU Leuven
Introduction HIV-1 genotypic resistance test (GRT) interpretation systems (IS) require updates as new studies on HIV-1 drug resistance are published and as treatment guidelines evolve. Methods An expert panel was created to provide recommendations for the update of the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database (HIVDB) GRT-IS. The panel was polled on the ARVs to be included in a GRT report, and the drug-resistance interpretations associated with 160 ...
The Dynamic Intestinal Absorption Model (Diamod®), an in vitro tool to study the interconnected kinetics of gastrointestinal solubility, supersaturation, precipitation, and intestinal permeation processes of oral drugs Universiteit Gent KU Leuven
This study aimed at developing the Diamod® as a dynamic gastrointestinal transfer model with physically interconnected permeation. The Diamod® was validated by studying the impact of the intraluminal dilution of a cyclodextrin-based itraconazole solution and the negative food effect for indinavir sulfate for which clinical data are available demonstrating that the systemic exposure was strongly mediated by interconnected solubility, ...
Lopinavir/ritonavir- and indinavir-induced thrombocytopenia in a patient with HIV infection [letter] Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
HIV-1 protease inhibitors for treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in HIV-co-infected individuals Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
The global prevalence of HIV is a major challenge for control of visceral leishmaniasis, a disseminated protozoan infection. In some east African regions, up to 40% of patients with visceral leishmaniasis are co-infected with HIV. Management of visceral leishmaniasis in such patients is complicated by treatment failures and relapses, even while patients are receiving standard antiretroviral therapy. In-vitro studies have consistently documented ...