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Mental health returns of higher education in the era of educational expansion : a comparative approach to understand the role of labor market processes Universiteit Gent
Education and mental health in an era of educational expansion Universiteit Gent
Effectiveness of curriculum-based sexual and reproductive health education on healthy sexual behaviors among year one students at Arba Minch University : a quasi-experimental study Universiteit Gent
Introduction Curriculum-based sexual and reproductive health education (CBSRHE) is one of the preventive strategies targeting youth in higher institutions to protect them from sexual and reproductive health problems, despite never assessing the effect in Ethiopia. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the effect of CBSRHE on knowledge and attitude about SRH services to have safer sexual behaviors among first-year students of Arba Minch ...
The use of self-study in health professional higher education and medical education - A mixed-method systematic review medical education - A mixed-method systematic review Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Purpose:Healthprofessioneducationandmedicaleducationshouldimplementprimarilyactivelearningunitsinthe curriculum.Self-study/guidedself-studyissuchatoolthatpromotesactivelearning,amethodthatinvolvesstudentsin theirlearningprocess.Theimplementationofactivelearningisintendedtodeveloporconsolidatepracticalskills (hands-on).Thismixed-methodsystematicreviewevaluatedtheofself-study/guidedself-studyintheuniversity ...
e-Learning Evaluation Framework and Tools for Global Health and Public Health Education Vrije Universiteit Brussel
BACKGROUND: There has been a significant increase in the use of e-learning for global and public health education recently, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic. e-Learning holds the potential to offer equal opportunities, overcoming barriers like physical limitations and training costs. However, its effectiveness remains debated, with institutions unprepared for the sudden shift during the pandemic. To effectively evaluate the outcomes ...
Sexual and reproductive health and rights in public health education Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
This paper addresses the challenges faced in mainstreaming the teaching of sexual and reproductive health and rights into public health education. For this paper, we define sexual and reproductive health and rights education as including not only its biomedical aspects but also an understanding of its history, values and politics, grounded in gender politics and social justice, addressing sexuality, and placed within a broader context of health ...
Planetary health and environmental sustainability in African health professions education Universiteit Gent
CliMigHealth and the Education for Sustainable Healthcare (ESH) Special Interest Group of the Southern African Association of Health Educationalists (SAAHE) call for the urgent integration of planetary health (PH) and environmental sustainability into health professions curricula in Africa. Education on PH and sustainable healthcare develops much-needed health worker agency to address the connections between healthcare and PH. Faculties are ...
E-learning for research capacity strengthening in sexual and reproductive health : the experience of the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research and the Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization Universiteit Gent
Abstract: Technological advancement has resulted in the increasing use of e-learning and online education, initially in high-income countries and increasingly in low-and middle-income countries. Background: In 2010, the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, in collaboration with the World Health Organization and partner institutions, developed an online postgraduate course "From Research to Practice: Training Course in Sexual and ...
Interprofessional education for healthcare professionals : a BEME realist review of what works, why, for whom and in what circumstances in undergraduate health sciences education : BEME Guide No. 83 Universiteit Gent
Aim: To provide an evidence-informed program theory (PT) for Interprofessional Education (IPE) that adds to the knowledge base of how IPE in undergraduate health sciences education works. Methods: We undertook a realist review of the literature and synthesis of the evidence combined with stakeholder experience. Our initial program theory (IPT), built around development, delivery and evaluation of IPE interventions, was tested and refined ...