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Transient reliability evaluation of a stochastic structural system in fire : application of a probability density evolution method supported by evacuation models Universiteit Gent
Structural fire resistance is a fundamental component of the overall fire safety strategy for buildings. Specifically, with respect to life safety, the structural fire resistance is intended to allow for the safe evacuation of the occupants and access for the fire & rescue service. With the proliferation of performance-based design (PBD) methodologies, the efficiency of fire safety measures is increasingly being challenged. For low-rise ...
Translation product evaluation in translator training. A comparison between L1 (English > Dutch) and L2 (Dutch > English) student translations using the PIE method (Preselected Items Evaluation) and the ATA (American Translators Association) Framewo KU Leuven
Despite being common practice in translator training, directionality remains a marginalised area of research. This study aims to analyse whether student translators make more errors when they translate from their first language (L1) into one of their foreign languages (L2) than vice versa. This will be measured by using the PIE method (Preselected Items Evaluation). The students' individual and collective rankings for each translation direction ...
Directionality in translator training. Contrastive evaluation of L1 and L2 translations using the PIE method (Preselected Items Evaluation) and the ATA Framework for Standardized Error Marking KU Leuven
This paper illustrates the results of an experiment conducted in translator training in which thirty students translated a text from their L1 (Dutch) into their L2 (English). The students completed a questionnaire on their acquisition of the L1, the perceived difficulty of each translation direction and the main difficulties encountered. The translations were analysed and scored by means of PIE (Preselected Items Evaluation), and the errors ...
Evolution in evaluation? Analysis of Flemish environmental policy evaluation practice Universiteit Antwerpen
Concurrent and Predictive Validity of the Instrument for Forensic Treatment Evaluation: From Risk Assessment to Routine, Multidisciplinary Treatment Evaluation KU Leuven
Besides assessment of forensic patients' risk of future violence and criminogenic needs, knowledge on their responsivity to treatment is equally important. However, instruments currently used for risk assessment are not sensitive enough for treatment evaluation. Therefore, the Instrument for Forensic Treatment Evaluation (IFTE) was developed. The IFTE is a treatment evaluation tool, which uses the dynamic risk items of the Dutch risk assessment ...
Forensic psychiatric treatment evaluation: The clinical evaluation of treatment progress with repeated forensic routine outcome monitoring measures KU Leuven
The likelihood of recidivism is considered to be the most important outcome measure in forensic psychiatry. Therefore, forensic psychiatric treatment focuses on the reduction of the risk of recidivism by treating dynamic risk and protective factors, aiming to reduce risk factors while enhancing protective factors during treatment. The goal of this study is to assess treatment progress with the Instrument for Forensic Treatment Evaluation (IFTE) ...