Ghent developmental balance test, manual Universiteit Gent
Daily Living Activities Recognition and Segmentation in Older Adults with Sensor Technology and Machine Learning Algorithms KU Leuven
Self-management interventions for facilitating life participation for persons with kidney failure : a systematic review Universiteit Gent Vrije Universiteit Brussel KU Leuven
Patient perspectives on employment participation in the “hypermobile Ehlers–Danlos syndrome” Vrije Universiteit Brussel Universiteit Gent
Background: “Ehlers–Danlos syndrome” (EDS) is a heritable connective disorder influencing multiple aspects of daily life. Most studies have focused on describing the physical symptoms and level of disability, but little knowledge exists about the psychosocial effects of the pathology. Participation in employment is an aspect that strongly influences quality of life of patients with chronic pathologies. This study, therefore, aimed to explore ...
Learning based Quality Indicator Aiding Heart Rate Estimation in Wrist-Worn PPG KU Leuven
Patient-reported outcome measures for life participation in kidney transplantation: A systematic review KU Leuven
Task-Specific Perceived Harmfulness Predicts Protective Movement Behaviour in Chronic Low Back Pain Universiteit Hasselt Universiteit Gent KU Leuven
Response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in elderly patients (≥70 years) and octogenarians Vrije Universiteit Brussel Universiteit Hasselt
AIMS: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) leads to reverse ventricular remodelling, improved functional capacity, and better clinical outcome in patients with advanced chronic heart failure, reduced ejection fraction, and evidence of ventricular conduction delay, who are under optimal medical therapy. This study investigated whether these benefits can be extrapolated to older patients, typically not included in randomized clinical ...