The role of formal schooling in the development of children's reading and arithmetic white matter networks KU Leuven
Children's white matter development is driven by experience, yet it remains poorly understood how it is shaped by attending formal education. A small number of studies compared children before and after the start of formal schooling to understand this, yet they do not allow to separate maturational effects from schooling-related effects. A clever way to (quasi-)experimentally address this issue is the longitudinal school cut-off design, which ...
Components of mathematical language and mathematical ability in 5-year-old dual language learners KU Leuven
Preschool teachers’ mathematical questions during shared picture book reading KU Leuven
High-quality instruction in preschool is important for children’s mathematical development. To date, the domain-specific elements constituting mathematics instruction quality and the factors associated with this quality are hardly studied, resulting in serious gaps in our insights into the topic. We aimed to address this gap by investigating (a) 43 preschool teachers’ mathematical questioning behavior during shared picture book reading, and (b) ...
Rekenvraagstukken in de basisschool KU Leuven
Grade one single‑digit addition strategies as predictors of grade four achievement in mathematics KU Leuven
Early detection of and relevant information on children’s mathematical difficulties is important to initiate targeted teaching and intervention. This study investigated the extent to which strategy use in single-digit addition provides additional predictive information about 61 grade one children’s (6-year-old) mathematical achievement 3 years later that is not available from a standardised mathematics achievement test. Four predictors available ...
Adjusting to errors in arithmetic: a longitudinal investigation of metacognitive control in 7–9-year-olds KU Leuven
Introduction: Monitoring and controlling one’s performance are essential skills for children’s cognitive development and academic success. Metacognitive control, operationalized as post-error adjustments, is, however, often measured in conflict tasks, but the findings of such studies may not be readily generalizable to academic domains, such as arithmetic. Yet, investigating how children control their performance in arithmetic is crucial in ...