Horizontally and vertically polarized kink oscillations in curved solar coronal loops KU LeuvenMingzhe Guo, Tom Van Doorsselaere, Marcel Goossens
The Effect of Horizontal Density-Inhomogeneity on Spicules Driven by Vertical Velocity Pulses KU LeuvenMingzhe Guo
Detection of decayless oscillations in solar transition region loops KU LeuvenYuhang Gao, Tom Van Doorsselaere, Mingzhe Guo
Modeling of Transverse Oscillations Driven by p-modes in Short Coronal Loops KU LeuvenYuhang Gao, Mingzhe Guo, Tom Van Doorsselaere, Samuel Skirvin
Estimating the energy flux of transverse waves associated with Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in solar coronal loops KU LeuvenMingzhe Guo, Yuhang Gao, Tom Van Doorsselaere, Marcel Goossens
Influence of the Lower Atmosphere on Wave Heating and Evaporation in Solar Coronal Loops KU LeuvenMingzhe Guo, Tom Van Doorsselaere, Kostas Karampelas, Yuhang Gao
Excitation of Multiperiodic Kink Motions in Solar Flare Loops: Possible Application to Quasiperiodic Pulsations KU LeuvenMingzhe Guo
Oblique Quasi-kink Modes in Solar Coronal Slabs Embedded in an Asymmetric Magnetic Environment: Resonant Damping, Phase and Group Diagrams KU LeuvenMingzhe Guo
Influence of Fine Structures on Gyrosynchrotron Emission of Flare Loops Modulated by Sausage Modes KU LeuvenMingzhe Guo