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Challenges in veterinary communication : dealing with complementary and alternative veterinary medicine Universiteit Gent
Het interesse in en het gebruik van complementaire en alternatieve diergeneeskunde (CAD) neemt wereldwijd toe. De frequentie en de indicaties voor het gebruik van CAD bij paarden en honden en de motiverende factoren voor diereigenaren zijn echter grotendeels onbekend. Als gevolg van bijwerkingen, interacties met conventionele geneesmiddelen of uitstel van de juiste diagnose en behandeling brengt het gebruik van CAD zonder betrokkenheid van de ...
Surveying dog owners’ use and understanding of, and communication with veterinarians about, complementary and alternative veterinary medicine Universiteit Gent
Background: Complementary and alternative veterinary medicine (CAVM) seems to be gaining acceptance by pet owners. Client–veterinarian communication about CAVM is important to explore client perceptions and facilitate open exchange of ideas between owners and veterinarians. Methods: This study includes an online, cross-sectional survey of dog owners to evaluate CAVM use and client–veterinarian communication about CAVM. Based on the extended ...
Let's talk about complementary and alternative veterinary medicine : a survey in Flemish dog owners Universiteit Gent
Discussing complementary and alternative veterinary medicine : equine veterinarians’ perceptions Universiteit Gent
Background: Based on our earlier study up to 75% of horse owners indicate that they have used complementary or alternative veterinary medicine (CAVM), e.g. osteopathy or acupuncture. However, non-disclosure of CAVM use to the veterinarian is common. This may harm animal welfare as not all CAVM treatments are evidence-based. The aim of this study was to investigate how veterinarians communicate about CAVM with clients and identify factors ...
Use of complementary and alternative veterinary medicine: do horse‐owners talk about it to their vet? Universiteit Gent
Complementary and alternative medicine: do dog owners talk about it to their veterinarian? Universiteit Gent
Horse owners’ attitudes towards and motivators for using complementary and alternative veterinary medicine Universiteit Gent
Background Complementary and alternative veterinary medicine (CAVM) is becoming increasingly popular in horses. Methods Online, cross-sectional survey in 1532 horse owners. Attitude towards CAVM, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and intention for future CAVM use were measured based on the theory of planned behaviour. Structural equation modelling was performed to characterize factors influencing intention to use CAVM. Results Past ...
Online communication skills teaching for veterinary students using peer feedback by video annotation Universiteit Gent
Background: Pre-clinical veterinary students should be able to apply basic communication skills for gathering information, provide feedback to peers and reflect about their own communication skills. On campus experiential learning activities to acquire these skills were replaced by an online assignment following Covid-19 restrictions. Methods: 182 veterinary bachelor students performed a compulsory assignment in groups of three to four students. ...
Phenylephrine-induced epistaxis in a six-year-old Quarter horse with nephrosplenic entrapment Universiteit Gent
Left dorsal displacement of the large colon is a common cause of colic in horses. Treatment consists of surgery, rolling the horse under general anesthesia or intravenous administration of phenylephrine. Treatment with phenylephrine, an alpha 1-adrenergic drug, is often associated with sweating and trembling. Especially in horses of more than 15 years old, fatal hemorrhage may occur due to hemothorax or hemoperitoneum. Therefore, phenylephrine ...