Review of EU Case Law on State Aid - 2023 Part Two Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Welfare effects of variable and fixed cost subsidies in profit, non-profit and mixed markets Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Examining data-related theories of harm in EU merger assessments: a systematic review of the decisional practice Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Google's Antitrust Quandary: Data Ecosystem Building Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The judgement examined market definition and abusive practices in mobile application distribution agreements (MADAs), revenue sharing agreements (RSAs) and anti-fragmentation agreements (AFAs) by Google. The General Court largely upheld the Commission's decision, highlighting the interconnectedness of Google's anti-competitive restraints and categorised them as a single continuing infringement. The case provides a typical example of ...
Closing the Regulatory Gap? A Case Study on the Acquisition of a Semiconductor Producer under the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The decay of location advantages and the substitutive role of firm-specific advantages in technology-based manufacturing. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
This research aims to provide a new perspective on the evolving linkages between LAs and FSAs in the context of the technology-based manufacturing industry. Firm-level competitive strengths in an international context build upon the combination of (largely) exogenous location advantages (LAs) and endogenous firm-specific advantages (FSAs). The authors focus especially on the decay of LAs over time, which has been observed ...
Supporting National Judges on State Aid - Perspicacious Through the State Aid Thicket Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Exploring the speed of change: European defence budgets in an age of danger Vrije Universiteit Brussel
This essay explores the theme of speed of change in defence budgets for nations that experience violent deteriorations in their security environments, with a focus on responses to the Russia-Ukraine war. The analysis is innovative in exploiting both long-term historical data and especially collected national data on budget revisions within fiscal years. Recent increases in European defence burdens are comparable to those of European states ...
The Spectrum of Strategic Autonomy in EU Defence Supply Chains Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The Strategic Compass, aims to strengthen the resilience of defence-industrial supply chains and complements the long-term strategic ambition of enhancing the EDTIB. Impetus for restructuring the EU’s supply chains may be provided by the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the associated increase in defence budgets, and the promotion of joint projects and cross-border M&A. Since the prospect of achieving strategic autonomy also depends on ...