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In vitro volumetric lagrangian particle tracking and 4D pressure field in a left ventricle model Universiteit Gent
Tomographic PIV in a model of the left ventricle : 3D flow past biological and mechanical heart valves Universiteit Gent KU Leuven
Left ventricular flow is intrinsically complex, three-dimensional and unsteady. Its features are susceptible to cardiovascular pathology and treatment, in particular to surgical interventions involving the valves (mitral valve replacement). To improve our understanding of intraventricular fluid mechanics and the impact of various types of prosthetic valves thereon, we have developed a custom-designed versatile left ventricular phantom with ...
4-D echo-particle image velocimetry in a left ventricular phantom Universiteit Gent
Left ventricular (LV) blood flow is an inherently complex time-varying 3-D phenomenon, where 2-D quantification often ignores the effect of out-of-plane motion. In this study, we describe high frame rate 4-D echo-cardiographic particle image velocimetry (echo-PIV) using a prototype matrix transesophageal transducer and a dynamic LV phantom for testing the accuracy of echo-PIV in the presence of complex flow patterns. Optical time-resolved ...
Echo planar imaging-induced errors in intracardiac 4D flow MRI quantification Universiteit Gent
Purpose To assess errors associated with EPI-accelerated intracardiac 4D flow MRI (4DEPI) with EPI factor 5, compared with non-EPI gradient echo (4DGRE). Methods Three 3T MRI experiments were performed comparing 4DEPI to 4DGRE: steady flow through straight tubes, pulsatile flow in a left-ventricle phantom, and intracardiac flow in 10 healthy volunteers. For each experiment, 4DEPI was repeated with readout and blip phase-encoding gradient in ...