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On the evolution of "Cleaner Production" as a concept and a practice KU Leuven
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd “Cleaner Production“(CP) is about less and more efficient energy and materials use and the substitution of more harmful products (for the environment and health) by less dangerous ones. CP was the reply of the industry to the call for sustainable development as launched by the WCED (1987) and further elaborated in Rio's Agenda 21 (UN, 1992). During the past 25 years, the concept was put in practice. During this period it ...
A new energy performance indicator for energy management system of a wheat mill plant KU Leuven
© 2018, Econjournals. All Rights reserved. In this paper, a predictive tool for the energy consumption of wheat milling process using multiple linear regression and a new energy performance indicator (EnPI) is proposed. This EnPI does not only consider the production of flour but also the particle size of flour and added water for softening wheat. The results of the study, carried out in a wheat mill plant in Cuba, show a good coincidence ...
Municipal energy management model for Cuban first level municipalities KU Leuven
© 2018 Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology. The Government of Cuba proposed in the year 2011 an update of the economic and social model, where the management of energy is an element of influence in the economy of the country. This led to the approval of a policy for the development of renewable sources and the efficient use of energy. Another important aspect is the National Plan for development until 2030, which considers the ...
Tools to improve forecasting and control of the electricity consumption in hotels KU Leuven
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd Hotels are among the most energy intensive tourism facilities. To monitor and control the monthly and yearly energy consumption in hotels, different indicators have been proposed. These indicators, developed on yearly or annual basis, do not permit rapid detection and mitigation of malpractices and overconsumptions in hotel facilities. Moreover, these indicators do not consider the influence of physical parameters such as ...
The development of a proof of concept for a smart DC/DC power plug based on USB power delivery KU Leuven
Instead of using a passive AC power grid for low power applications, this paper describes a smart plug for DC networks that is capable of providing the correct power to a device (up to 100W) and that allows for communication between different plugs and monitoring of energy consumption across the DC network using the Ethernet protocol in conjunction with a signal modulator to adapt the signals to the DC network. The ability to monitor consumption ...
Study and simulation of DC micro grid topologies in Caspoc KU Leuven
As the impact of our actions on the climate become more and more clear and environmental awareness is rising, the quest for increasing efficiency and lower environmental impact becomes very important. Efficiency is particularly important in the field of electricity consumption, which keeps on rising as electrification of our transportation, houses, offices and more continues worldwide. These loads and sustainable sources have one thing in ...
Engineering Experience - Building a Small Solar Vehicle KU Leuven
Student projects have become an important part of most modern engineering curricula, to provide students with actual engineering experience. At Group T, International University College Leuven in Belgium, we support this philosophy wholeheartedly by organising increasingly complex student projects throughout the three bachelor years. The central theme of the project in the second year, Engineering Experience 4, is "Make stuff work". Different ...