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Watching Televised Counter-Stereotypes Alone or with Mom: Studying the Effects on Preadolescents' Gender Attitudes and Beliefs KU Leuven
Despite the dominant presence of traditional gender portrayals on television, there is a growing effort to incorporate more diverse gender representations, including in youth television series. The impact of such counter-stereotypical portrayals on preadolescents' gender attitudes and beliefs remains largely unexplored. This mixed-design experimental study among 75 mother-child dyads (Mage child = 10.69, SD = 1.37) examined the effects of ...
Longitudinal associations among identity, internalization of appearance ideals, body image, and eating disorder symptoms in community adolescents and emerging adults: Adaptive and maladaptive pathways KU Leuven Universiteit Antwerpen
Previous research examined the role of identity confusion and body dissatisfaction in eating disorder symptoms, but an integrative perspective including identity synthesis and positive body image is lacking. The current study used three-wave longitudinal data (T1: N = 403; 52.1% female; Mage = 14.85, SD = 0.89) spanning two years to examine the directionality of effects among identity, internalization of appearance ideals, body image, and eating ...
Pornography Use and the Acceptance of Gender Norm Violation in a School Context KU Leuven
Although media effect studies have quite extensively investigated the association between pornography use and gendered attitudes, some questions remain. The present study aimed to address two of these questions by exploring how gendered attitudes and gender beliefs may be influenced by gender typicality and pornography use. First, the literature has not yet accounted for individual differences based on gender typicality. Second, the influence of ...
Examining the Role of Long-Term Media Use Trajectories in Media Effects: A Case of Sexually Explicit Internet Use and Impersonal Sex KU Leuven
Media effects theories suggest that attitudes and behaviors are affected by long-term habits of media use. However, the nature of effects of such long-term media use trajectories has remained mostly unexplored. In the current four-wave panel study (N = 400), a latent growth model for sexually explicit internet material (SEIM) use frequency over a period of six years was estimated and its growth factors were used to predict impersonal sex. ...
Experimental research on non-idealized models: A systematic literature review KU Leuven
Current literature on non-idealized models seems to offer mixed evidence on whether such models generate a positive body image and increase advertising effectiveness. To closely investigate this claim, we conducted a systematic review to summarize the empirical findings on the effects of non-idealized models on body image, well-being, and advertising outcomes among men and women. To contextualize these results, we also synthesized (1) the ...