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Making Parental Leave Policies Work for Single Mothers: Lessons from Europe KU Leuven
It is well documented that national parental leave policies encourage parents’ employment. Research on parental leave, though, has generally failed to draw lessons on how leave policy affects the employment and economic well-being of single parents. We examine the extent to which parental leave policies support the employment of single mothers with children under six years old across twenty-seven European countries, showing that single mothers ...
Waarom gele hesjes niet met een bakfiets rijden. Over klimaatverandering, ongelijkheid en beleid KU Leuven
Determinants of public support for eco-social policies: A comparative theoretical framework KU Leuven
Measuring the Generosity of Parental Leave Policies KU Leuven
In order to investigate and compare welfare states or specific welfare programmes, scientists, opinion‐makers and politicians rely on indicators. As many of the concepts or objects studied are somewhat abstract, these indicators can often only be approximations. In comparative welfare‐state research, scholars have suggested several approximating indicators to quantitatively measure and compare the generosity of public welfare provision, with a ...