Does party identification still matter for political efficacy? A cross-national assessment, 1996-2016 KU LeuvenMarc Hooghe
Towards a typology of European migration attitudes across time and space: a person-centred approach KU LeuvenSilke Goubin, Anna Ruelens
Trust in political parties and ideological proximity voting in Europe: the role of trust in political parties as a heuristic mechanism KU LeuvenSilke Goubin, Dieter Stiers, Marc Hooghe
Toward an Ever Looser Union? Investigating Diverging Trends in Public Opinion in Three Divided Societies KU LeuvenDieter Stiers, Marc Hooghe
Has the electoral college grown more disproportional? An analysis of election results, 1876-2020 KU LeuvenMarc Hooghe, Dieter Stiers
Short Take: Do Postal Stamps (Still) Lead to a Higher Response Rate? An Empirical Test in Belgium KU LeuvenMarc Hooghe, Dieter Stiers
Political congruence between adolescence and their parents: evidence from a quasi-experimental local elections in the city of Ghent (Belgium) KU LeuvenMarc Hooghe
Subverted expectations and social democratic austerity: how voters’ reactions to policies are conditional on the policy-implementing actor KU LeuvenSilke Goubin
Nationalist identities, preferences and voting for sub-state nationalist parties in the Flemish region of Belgium KU LeuvenMarc Hooghe, Dieter Stiers