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Nieuwe technologieën op de werkvloer KU Leuven
Putting head-worn displays to use for order picking: A most-similar comparative case study KU Leuven
Voorbij het paradigma: over werknemersparticipatie in de era van Industrie 4.0 KU Leuven
T This thesis explores the role of employee participation in technological innovation processes in the Belgian industry through the lens of the labor process theory. Given the predicted consequences of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence for work and organization, we investigate whether and how employees can participate in decision-making about the direction of these changes. Despite studying different types of employee ...
Sociale dialoog bij technologische innovatie in België. Een Delphi-studie bij de sociale partners KU Leuven
‘Bringing the Covert into the Open’: A Case Study on Technology Appropriation and Continuous Improvement KU Leuven
As end-users, employees appropriate technologies. Technology appropriation is generally conceived as a covert phenomenon. In particular, alternative ways and new purposes for which employees deploy technologies tend to remain hidden. Therefore, the potential of technologies as a source of organizational improvements may remain undisclosed. Continuous improvement (CI) programs, in contrast, are explicitly oriented at disclosing organizational ...