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The FMRP regulon: from targets to disease convergence KU Leuven
The fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) is an RNA-binding protein that regulates mRNA metabolism. FMRP has been largely studied in the brain, where the absence of this protein leads to fragile X syndrome, the most frequent form of inherited intellectual disability. Since the identification of the FMRP gene in 1991, many studies have primarily focused on understanding the function/s of this protein. Hundreds of potential FMRP mRNA targets ...
Peripheral relays in stress-induced activation of visceral afferents in the gut KU Leuven
Multiple organs are targeted by the stress response, but the focus of this article is on stress-induced activation of visceral afferents in the gut. During recent years it became apparent that mast cells are pivotal in this response. Peripheral corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) induces their degranulation whereupon mast cell mediators activate visceral afferents. In addition, these mediators are responsible for gut barrier dysfunction and ...