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Production cross-section measurements of proton-induced reactions on natural tantalum in the 0.3 GeV–1.7 GeV energy range

Tijdschriftbijdrage - e-publicatie

This work reports the production cross-section data for seventy-one radionuclides produced by 0.3 GeV–1.7 GeV protons impinging on thin tantalum targets. For that purpose, activation experiments were performed using the COSY synchrotron at FZ Jülich utilizing the stacked-foils technique and γ-ray spectrometry with high-purity germanium detectors. The Al-27(p,x)Na-24 reaction has been used as monitor reaction. All experimental data have been systematically compared with the existing literature. The excitation functions of Te-116, I-123, Dy-153 and Er-158 are reported for the first time.
Tijdschrift: Nuclear Geophysics
ISSN: 0969-8043
Volume: 178
Jaar van publicatie:2021
BOF-publication weight:0.5
CSS-citation score:1
Authors from:Higher Education