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L’influence mitigée des migrations masculines sur les activités économiques des femmes 'qui restent' : étude de cas dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal
Tijdschriftbijdrage - Tijdschriftartikel
Ondertitel:Qualified influences of male migration on the activities of women 'left behind' : a case study from the Senegal River Valley
This paper analyses the impact of men's international labour migration on the income-generating activities of the women who stay in their communities of origin. Previous research has reached mixed conclusions. Some find that men's migration discourages the economic participation of their spouses left behind, increasing women's dependence on them. In contrast, others argue that the resources generated by migration help women to develop new activities. Our results, based on qualitative fieldwork conducted in a small village in the Senegalese River Valley, do not point to an increased economic dependence of migrants' wives following their husbands' migration. Women strive, more or less successfully, to capture part of the resources generated by the migration of their husbands or brothers in order to develop or reinforce their economic activities. However, several factors condition and constrain women's efforts in accessing these resources and increasing their economic autonomy.
ISSN: 1705-1495
Issue: 2
Volume: 45
Pagina's: 345 - 374
Jaar van publicatie:2017