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Intention to leave, depersonalisation and job satisfaction in physicians and nurses: a cross-sectional study in Europe

Tijdschriftbijdrage - Tijdschriftartikel

The European healthcare sector faces a significant shortage of healthcare workers. Assessing the prevalence of this issue and understanding its direct and indirect determinants are essential for formulating effective recruitment programs and enhancing job retention strategies for physicians and nurses. A multicentric cross-sectional study was conducted, involving 381 physicians and 1351 nurses recruited from eight European hospitals in Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and Poland. The study focused on assessing turnover intentions among healthcare workers based on the Job Demands-Resources model, using an online questionnaire. Structural equation models were employed to test the data collection questionnaires' construct validity and internal consistency. The turnover intention was assessed by agreement with the intention to leave either the hospital or the profession. Among physicians, 17% expressed an intention to leave the hospital, while 9% intended to leave the profession. For nurses, the figures were 8.9% and 13.6%, respectively. The internal consistency of the questionnaires exceeded 0.90 for both categories of health workers. Depersonalization and job dissatisfaction were identified as direct determinants of turnover intention, with work engagement being particularly relevant for nurses. We found a higher intention to leave the hospital among physicians, while nurses were more prone to leave their profession. To mitigate turnover intentions, it is recommended to focus on improving job satisfaction, work engagement and fostering a positive working climate, thereby addressing depersonalisation and promoting job retention.
Tijdschrift: Scientific Reports
ISSN: 2045-2322
Issue: 1
Volume: 14
Jaar van publicatie:2024
Trefwoorden:Multidisciplinaire wetenschappen