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Insertion of an SVA element, a nonautonomous retrotransposon, in PMS2 intron 7 as a novel cause of Lynch syndrome

Tijdschriftbijdrage - Tijdschriftartikel

Heterozygous germline mutations in the mismatch repair gene PMS2 predispose carriers for Lynch syndrome, an autosomal dominant predisposition to cancer. Here, we present a LINE-1-mediated retrotranspositional insertion in PMS2 as a novel mutation type for Lynch syndrome. This insertion, detected with Southern blot analysis in the genomic DNA of the patient, is characterized as a 2.2 kb long 5' truncated SVA_F element. The insertion is not detectable by current diagnostic testing limited to MLPA and direct Sanger sequencing on genomic DNA. The molecular nature of this insertion could only be resolved in RNA from cultured lymphocytes in which nonsense-mediated RNA decay was inhibited. Our report illustrates the technical problems encountered in the detection of this mutation type. Especially large heterozygous insertions will remain unnoticed because of preferential amplification of the smaller wild-type allele in genomic DNA, and are probably underreported in the mutation spectra of autosomal dominant disorders.

Tijdschrift: Hum Mutat
ISSN: 1059-7794
Issue: 7
Volume: 33
Pagina's: 1051-1055
Jaar van publicatie:2012
Trefwoorden:Adenosine Triphosphatases/genetics, Colorectal Neoplasms, Hereditary Nonpolyposis/etiology, DNA Repair Enzymes/genetics, DNA-Binding Proteins/genetics, Humans, Introns/genetics, Mismatch Repair Endonuclease PMS2, Retroelements/genetics