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Glia in Drosophila behavior

Tijdschriftbijdrage - Tijdschriftartikel

Glial cells constitute about 10 % of the Drosophila nervous system. The development of genetic and molecular tools has helped greatly in defining different types of glia. Furthermore, considerable progress has been made in unraveling the mechanisms that control the development and differentiation of Drosophila glia. By contrast, the role of glia in adult Drosophila behavior is not well understood. We here summarize recent work describing the role of glia in normal behavior and in Drosophila models for neurological and behavioral disorders.
Tijdschrift: Journal of Comparative Physiology A
ISSN: 0340-7594
Issue: 9
Volume: 201
Pagina's: 879 - 93
Jaar van publicatie:2015
Trefwoorden:Neurowetenschappen en Psychofarmacologie, Psychologie en gedragswetenschappen, Fysiologie, Dierkunde
BOF-publication weight:1
CSS-citation score:1
Authors from:Higher Education