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Biodiesel B30: maatschappelijke context ; vereisten voor toepassingen in dagelijks gebruik
Boek - Rapport
This report covers all relative items for implementing the use of high blend of biodiesel use in captive fleets. In this particular case the use of B30 biodiesel, a mixture of 30% FAME with 70% fossil diesel. The report covers the sustainable and social aspects of the use of biofuels : greenhouse gas saving, an insight in the debate of food versus fuel, the impact on farmland. The report gives a detail overview of all the technical aspects of the use of biodiesel in a car fleet : quality standards, car warranty, technical requirement of the car and the fuel stations. A last chapter goes more into detail on the legal framework, on a European level, and more in particu-lar on the Belgium and Flemish legislation on biofuels. A small action plan is drafted that can be helpful for any one who wants to introduce the use of bio-diesel in his car fleet. This plan can be seen as an manual and guidebook to help and make the intro-duction as smooth as possible. This report can be a first step in a growing concern about changing our habitats in transportation fuels, and make us shift to more sustainable and eco friendly carriers in the future. We hope that this report my be helpful, but the work never finishes, so every comment, experiences, insights, suggestions are more than welcome.
Jaar van publicatie:2011