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ANOVA model for network meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy data

Tijdschriftbijdrage - Tijdschriftartikel

Procedures combining and summarising direct and indirect evidence from independent studies assessing the diagnostic accuracy of different tests for the same disease are referred to network meta-analysis. Network meta-analysis provides a unified inference framework and uses the data more efficiently. Nonetheless, handling the inherent correlation between sensitivity and specificity continues to be a statistical challenge. We developed an arm-based hierarchical model which expresses the logit transformed sensitivity and specificity as the sum of fixed effects for test, correlated study-effects to model the inherent correlation between sensitivity and specificity and a random error associated with various tests evaluated in a given study. We present the accuracy of 11 tests used to triage women with minor cervical lesions to detect cervical precancer. Finally, we compare the results with those from a contrast-based model which expresses the linear predictor as a contrast to a comparator test. The proposed arm-based model is more appealing than the contrastbased model since the former permits more straightforward interpretation of the parameters, makes use of all available data yielding shorter credible intervals, and models more natural variance–covariance matrix structures.
Tijdschrift: Statistical Methods in Medical Research
ISSN: 0962-2802
Issue: 6
Volume: 27
Pagina's: 1766 - 1784
Jaar van publicatie:2016
Trefwoorden:meta-analysis, network meta-analysis, diagnostic tests, hierarchical model, arm-based, Computerwetenschappen en informatietechnologie, Toegepaste wiskunde, Parageneeskundige wetenschappen
BOF-publication weight:6
CSS-citation score:2
Authors from:Government, Higher Education, Private