Kinderen thuis voorbereiden op MR-scanning met een kosmonautisch virtual reality-sprookje (COSMO@HOME)
The current standard clinical practice in most hospitals is to sedate young children when they need to undergo a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan, as a way to avoid anxiety, or errors in the scan caused by movement. The goal of the COSMO@HOME project is to create a smartphone app that lets children and their parents prepare at home for an upcoming scan. This app will consist of videos, training exercises, and virtual reality (VR) modules that allow users to “walk around” the MR unit of the hospital they will visit and experience a virtual scan in the familiar setting of their own home.
The videos and training exercises will be based on the existing COSMO protocol (developed by KU Leuven) and the FIT-for-MRI-framework (Familiarize, Inform and Train) developed by Philips. The COSMO-app will be tested in three Belgian hospitals during a field trial, to evaluate its effectiveness, efficiency and clinical impact. RISE and RWTH will be the technical partners.
Hospitals, radiology and pediatric departments are the intended customers, as the app can improve their workflow and reduce hospital costs. We anticipate being able to reduce the need for sedation to a large extent, which would save Europe millions a year in health care costs.