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Remote centre of motion mechanism

Apparatus for generating motion around a remote centre of motion is described. The apparatus comprises a base link comprising a local centre of motion, a first motion mechanism comprising a proximal link, a distal link and a first intermediate link pivotally interconnecting the proximal link and the distal link. The proximal link is coupled to the local centre of motion through a revolute joint and a sliding joint allowing the proximal link to translate relative to the local centre of motion and to rotate about the local centre of motion, and the first motion mechanism is configured to copy motion of the proximal link relative to the local centre of motion to an identical motion of the distal link relative to the remote centre of motion. The apparatus further comprises a tool holder fixed to the distal link. The tool holder defines a tool axis intersecting the remote centre of motion. The apparatus is characterised in that the distal link defines a first orientation which is inclined relative to the tool axis.
Octrooi-publicatienummer: EP3831543
Jaar aanvraag: 2021
Jaar toekenning: 2022
Jaar van publicatie: 2021
Status: Aangevraagd
Technologiedomeinen: Medische technologie, Behandeling
Gevalideerd voor IOF-sleutel: Ja
Toegewezen aan: Associatie KULeuven