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Yvette Michotte

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:
    • Design and statistical analysis of clinical studies; Use of mathematical models for the evaluation of medical data;
    • Neurochemistry. Pharmacokinetics. Drug analysis. Biostatistics. Pharmaceutical registration dossier and expert reports.
  • Trefwoorden:Farmacie, Geneeskunde, Algemene en logistieke diensten, Aardwetenschappen en aardrijkskunde
  • Disciplines:Biomarker ontdekking, Anesthesiologie in intensieve zorgen, Stamcelbiologie, Algemene en logistieke diensten
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:
    • Design and statistical analysis of clinical studies; Use of mathematical models for the evaluation of medical data;
    • Neurochemistry. Pharmacokinetics. Drug analysis. Biostatistics. Pharmaceutical registration dossier and expert reports.