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Simone Messina

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:I conducted a PhD project on the impact of forest selective logging on stress physiology of tropical birds. I have skills for mist-netting birds. I have skills in laboratory analysis of oxidative stress markers in blood, corticosterone in feathers (ELISA), screening of avian blood haemosporidian parasites. I have also have skills in the use of software R for statistical analysis (GLM, GLMM, meta-analysis), either with frequentist and bayesian approach.
  • Disciplines:Dierkundige biologie, Ecologie, Evolutiebiologie, Algemene biologie, Systeembiologie, Andere natuurwetenschappen, Gedragsecologie, Ecofysiologie en ecomorfologie, Conservatie en biodiversiteit
  • Onderzoekstechnieken:Laboratory: ELISA assay (protocol for measuring corticosterone in feathers); protocol for measuring antioxidant enzymes SOD, CAT and GPx in red blood cells. Statistic: Meta-analysis, phylogenetic GLM and GLMM. Software R and SPSS. Experimental induction of oxidative challenge in passerines.
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:other research groups that may wish starting a collaboration. NGO involved in conservation of species and ecosystems. Environmental agencies.