Rose Njemini
- Onderzoeksexpertise:
Njemini Rose is a molecular biologist and biochemist with 17 years of experience in academic research laboratories. Her research interest is primarily on heat shock proteins (Hsp). Hsp are highly conserved proteins that are of utmost importance to normal cell function and stress responses. She seeks to understand the mechanisms of action and biological roles of Hsp during stressful and disease conditions such as inflammation, infection and cancer. In parallel, she is fascinated in understanding how people respond to exercise stress, and to what extent Hsp and cytokines interact in shaping these responses. Her major areas of technical acquaintance are molecular biology, immunofluorescence and Immunological techniques, cell culture, microscopy, ELISA assays, flow cytometry, RT-PCR, just to name a few.
- Trefwoorden:Sociale gezondheidswetenschappen
- Disciplines:Biogerontologie, Infectieziekten, Immunologie niet elders geclassificeerd
- Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:
Njemini Rose is a molecular biologist and biochemist with 17 years of experience in academic research laboratories. Her research interest is primarily on heat shock proteins (Hsp). Hsp are highly conserved proteins that are of utmost importance to normal cell function and stress responses. She seeks to understand the mechanisms of action and biological roles of Hsp during stressful and disease conditions such as inflammation, infection and cancer. In parallel, she is fascinated in understanding how people respond to exercise stress, and to what extent Hsp and cytokines interact in shaping these responses. Her major areas of technical acquaintance are molecular biology, immunofluorescence and Immunological techniques, cell culture, microscopy, ELISA assays, flow cytometry, RT-PCR, just to name a few.