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Mathieu Declerck

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:

    My main research focus concerns how multilinguals select words. This selection process is different from monolingual language processing, as we know that words from the non-target language(s) are also activated during multilingual language processing. In turn, parallel language activation typically results in cross-language interference, which should make it more difficult for multilinguals to process language. However, a process called “language control” intervenes, making it more likely that words from the target language are selected. This language control process is my main research focus.


    For more information: https://mathieudeclerck.wordpress.com/

  • Trefwoorden:Multilingualism, Letteren
  • Disciplines:Psycholinguïstiek en neurolinguïstiek
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:

    My main research focus concerns how multilinguals select words. This selection process is different from monolingual language processing, as we know that words from the non-target language(s) are also activated during multilingual language processing. In turn, parallel language activation typically results in cross-language interference, which should make it more difficult for multilinguals to process language. However, a process called “language control” intervenes, making it more likely that words from the target language are selected. This language control process is my main research focus.


    For more information: https://mathieudeclerck.wordpress.com/