Marc Coosemans
- Trefwoorden:B680-epidemiologie
- Disciplines:Biologie van ongewervelden
- Departement Biomedische Wetenschappen (Departement)
Vanaf1 aug 1978 → 8 feb 2022 - Entomologie (Onderzoekseenheid)
Vanaf1 aug 1978 → 1 feb 2022
1 - 10 of 10
- Monitoring van exotische steekmuggen in BelgiëVanaf1 jul 2017 → 30 jun 2020
- Eco epidemiology of asymptomatic malaria hotspots, a prerequisite for malaria elimination?Vanaf1 nov 2014 → 31 dec 2018
- Serological markers for evaluation of repellent efficacy on force of infection of malariaVanaf13 feb 2014 → 25 nov 2016
- Repellent as an additional tool to long lasting insecticidal nets to target the residual transmission in a north-eastern province of Cambodia. Study of the use and efficacy of a topical repellent using the passive and active malaria case detection systemsVanaf1 okt 2013 → 27 apr 2017
- Coördinatie en uitvoering op Belgisch niveau van het Europese pilootproject betreffende de uitwerking van richtlijnen voor het toezicht op exotische muggen op het Belgisch grondgebiedVanaf1 jun 2012 → 30 nov 2012
- Risk of emergence of viral diseases driven by ecoclimaticVanaf15 dec 2009 → 31 jan 2012
- European Network for Arthropod Vector Surveillance for Human Public HealthVanaf9 sep 2009 → 15 feb 2013
- The complete in vitro Plasmodium vivax cycle as a first step for understanding its biology and identifying new therapeutic targets.Vanaf1 sep 2008 → 31 dec 2013
- Molecular dialogue between parasite and hosts : the trypanosome modelVanaf1 jan 2007 → 29 feb 2012
- Mosquito, vectors of disease: spatial biodiversity drivers of change, and riskVanaf15 dec 2006 → 31 jan 2011
1 - 10 van 173
- Malaria tropica in Antwerpen(2016)
Auteurs: Louise Vermeulen, K De Schrijver, Tim De Weerdt, Isra Deblauwe, Julie Demeulemeester, F Van Gompel, Marc Coosemans
Pagina's: 4-9 - Identification of Belgian mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) by DNA barcoding(2015)
Auteurs: V. Versteirt, Z T Nagy, L. Denis, F C Breman, D. Damiens, W Dekoninck, T Backeljau, M. Coosemans, Wim Van Bortel
Pagina's: 449-457 - Updated checklist of the mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Belgium(2015)
Auteurs: Slimane Boukraa, Wouter Dekoninck, Veerle Versteirt, Francis Schaffner, Marc Coosemans, Eric Haubruge, Frederic Francis
Pagina's: 398-407 - Le paludisme de l'Afrique tropicale(2014)
Auteurs: M. W�ry, M. Coosemans, Umberto D`Alessandro, C. Delacolette
Aantal pagina's: 175 - Risk of emergence of viral disease driven by eco-climatic changes and socio-economical situations VIRORISK ; final report(2013)
Auteurs: F. Dal Pozzo, C. Fallon, C. Zwetkoff, Marc Coosemans, E. Thiry
Aantal pagina's: 1 - Actual malaria situation and related behavior to the malaria control among J'rai ethnic minorities in three border villages Vietnam-Cambodia in Duc Co district, Gia Lai province, Vietnam(2012)
Auteurs: Nguyen Xuan Xa, K. Peeters Grietens, Nguyen Duc Thao, Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Phan Gia Cong, Nguyen Ngoc Loi, Ngo Duc Thang, Le Xuan Hung, Nguyen Manh Hung, Umberto D'Alessandro, et al.
- Confirmation of Aedes koreicus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Belgium and description of morphological differences between Korean and Belgian speciments validated by molecular identification(2012)
Auteurs: V. Versteirt, JE Pecor, DM Fonseca, Marc Coosemans, Wim Van Bortel
Pagina's: 21-32 - Report of the fifteenth WHOPES working group meeting: WHO/HQ, Geneva, 18-22 June 2012: review of Olysetr Plus, Interceptorr LN, Malathion 440 EW, Vectobacr GR(2012)
Auteurs: R Bhatt, D Boakye, F Chandre, Marc Coosemans, V. Corbel, J Gimnig, J Lines, G. Matthews, A. Mnzava, R N'Guessan, et al.
Aantal pagina's: 99 - The risk factors analysis of malaria infection among the J'rai ethnic minorities in three border villages Vietnam-Cambodia in Duc Co district, Gia Lai province based on ELISA result(2012)
Auteurs: Nguyen Xuan Xa, K. Peeters Grietens, Le Xuan Hung, Nguyen Manh Hung, Ngo Duc Thang, Phan Gia Cong, Umberto D'Alessandro, M. Coosemans
- Bionomics of the established exotic mosquito species Aedes koreicus in Belgium, Europe(2012)
Auteurs: V. Versteirt, E.M. De Clercq, D.M. Fonseca, J. Pecor, F. Schaffner, Marc Coosemans, Wim Van Bortel
Pagina's: 1226-1232