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Lise Verbruggen

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:

    The objective of my PhD research is to investigate the role of system xc– in healthy (brain) aging with focus on (neuro)inflammaging. We study the effect of aging on system xc– in both the central nervous system and the peripheral immune system, as well as the effect of a genetic loss of system xc– on (neuro)inflammaging and how it affects susceptibility for typical age-related diseases.


  • Trefwoorden:Farmacie
  • Disciplines:Gedragsneurowetenschappen, Cognitieve neurowetenschappen
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:

    The objective of my PhD research is to investigate the role of system xc– in healthy (brain) aging with focus on (neuro)inflammaging. We study the effect of aging on system xc– in both the central nervous system and the peripheral immune system, as well as the effect of a genetic loss of system xc– on (neuro)inflammaging and how it affects susceptibility for typical age-related diseases.